Thursday, December 12, 2013

Po & Po Vintage Pop Up @ Esipuhe

Kuva Mikko Seppälä

Verkkolehti Esipuhe vieraili Asemapäällikön talolla tutustumassa muotoilijan arkeen ja pop up -putiikin pyöritykseen. Juttu löytyy täältä.


Web magazine Esipuhe visited our studio and pop up shop. You can read the article here (in Finnish only).

Monday, December 9, 2013

Designtori joulu

Po oli viikonloppuna ensimmäistä kertaa mukana Tampereen Designtorilla yhdessä Oiko Studio & Shopin Minnan ja Eevan kanssa. Tapahtuma järjestettiin tällä kertaa kaksipäiväisenä ja mukana oli 65 suomalaista suunnittelijaa ja muotoilualan yritystä. Mukavaa oli! Iso kiitos järjestäjille, kanssamyyjille ja kaikille asiakkaille!

Onnistuneen viikonlopun jälkeen onkin mukava katkaista seitsemän päivän työputki treenaamalla Ulpun kanssa yläfemmaa ja kuuntelemalla unohtuneita musahelmiä...


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pop up Lahti

Po-koruja on Oiko Studio & Shopin valikoimissa mukana Pop-up Lahti -tapahtumassa tänä viikonloppuna!

Pop-up Lahti 30.11. - 1.12.2013
Lahden Sokokselle nousee marras-joulukuun vaihteeksi pop up Lahti -myymälä, joka edustaa yhden viikonlopun ajan lahtelaista muotoilua ja suunnittelua paraatipaikalla, eli siellä mihin se kuuluukin. Tempauksen tarkoituksena on tuoda esille paikallista osaamista muotoilun saralla. Tapahtumaa pyörittää neljän suunnittelijan työryhmä sekä lukuisat mukaan kutsutut muotoilijat.

Lahden Sokos 3.kerros, sisustusosasto, Aleksanterinkatu 19-21 Lahti

Lauantai 8-18
Sunnuntai 12-21


Friday, November 29, 2013

Leopard dots and Coffee

Photo Salla Poutiainen
Po Fox is taking a well earned coffee break. It's getting mighty chilly outside but leopard fur coat (faux) never fails.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Po Ornamon Joulumyyjäisissä Lahdessa

Po on Oiko Studio & Shopin kanssa mukana ensi viikonloppuna järjestettävissä Ornamon Joulumyyjäisissä Lahden taidemuseolla. 

Avoinna la-su klo 10-16
Lahden taidemuseo | Vesijärvenkatu 11 A, Lahti



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Po-ketun ensimmäinen radioesiintyminen

Kuva: Tanja Perkkiö / Yle Lahti
Lahden Radio kävi kylässä Po & Po Vintage Pop Upissa. Ylen verkkosivuilta löytyy juttua pohjautuen aamuiseen haastatteluun:


Monday, November 18, 2013

Po & Po Vintage Pop Up Shop @ Asemapäälliköntalo

Lähestyvän joulun kunniaksi Po & Po Vintage avaa pop up -putiikin historialliseen asemapäällikön taloon Lahteen.

Pikkujoulurientoihin ja pukinkonttiin on tarjolla virkattuja tekstiilikoruja, valokuvateoksia sekä ihania vintage-vaatteita ja -asusteita eri vuosikymmeniltä.

Po-tuotteiden lisäksi kaupan valikoimista löytyy myös Oiko Studio & Shop -muotoilijoiden Minna Vainikan ja Eeva Väänäsen taiturimaisia hopeakoruja. 

Tervetuloa tekemään löytöjä ja tutustumaan historiallisen rakennuksen lämpimään ilmapiiriin!

Avoinna ti-pe 10-17, la 10-15
lauantai 23.11. SULJETTU (Po Ornamon joulumyyjäisissä Lahden taidemuseolla)
lauantai 7.12. SULJETTU (Po Tampereen Designtorilla

Oiko Studio & Shop | Askonkatu 1 (Asemapäälliköntalo), Lahti

Tapahtuman fb-sivun löydät täältä.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Scylla pearls

Photo Salla Poutiainen

I took this photo some time last year but forgot to put it online... The Scylla pearls on the photo are now available in my Etsy shop here.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

PoVintage on Kingdom of Style

Lovely Queen Marie from Kingdom of Style wrote some really nice things about PoVintage. You can read the post here.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ribbons and Grrrr

Photo © Salla Poutiainen

I went shopping for new ribbons and now I'm cooking up Miss Grrrr stuff at the studio.

 x Salla 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Po Diary

Photo © Salla Poutiainen
I took a day off from the studio and went walking to the woods.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Fox Mask by Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo

Photo: Salla Poutiainen | Mask: Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo

Visual artist Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo made me this super cool fox mask! I originally asked her to make me a mask for the PoVintage photos, but now I think I'll use it in my next Po photoshoot once I get the collection ready.

Photo: Salla Poutiainen | Mask: Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo

I can't put to words how much I like this mask... The cheeks and eyebrows are so skillfully made and she even manage make the eyes and mouth look incredibly expressive.

At the moment the fox keeps watch on my studio wall but I'm definitely hanging this on our home when I'm done using it for photos.

Photo: Salla Poutiainen | Mask: Tiina-Liisa Kaalamo

If you want to see Tiina-Liisa's recent artwork, she has an exhibition called "Matka Faabeliin" (engl. Journey to Fable) on display at  Galleria Uusi Kipinä.  The exhibition includes Kaalamo's furry sculptures and floral and animal themed oil paintings from fellow visual artist Kaisu Kopsa. Their work play together really well. The exhibition is open 18th of September to 10th of October so there's still plenty of time to go and see it. You won't regret it, I promise.

And if you can't make it to the exhibition, you can also get to know Tiina-Liisa's artwork in her homepage here.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

90's floral scarf

I was really tempted to keep this one myself. :) The Italian made floral beauty is now available here.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Vintage bangles

A lot of vintage bangles hit the shop. You can take a better look at these lovelies here.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ivory Fox

Our foxy lady is very happy to model this lovely ivory white vintage cardigan from the 90's-80's. More photos here.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

80's snake skin clutch

I love this slightly over-the-top snake skin clutch. Really simple shape model but the texture makes it interesting and a bit kitschy in a really good way. Check it out here.


Friday, August 30, 2013

Vintage Valentino handbag

One of my personal favorites: vintage Valentino handbag in caramel tone leather. Check it out here.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

Vintage toys

I just listed bunch of super cute toys to the shop! Check them out here.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fool's Gold on Uusi Lahti

Uunituoreessa Uusi Lahti -lehdessä oli myös juttua näyttelystä. Fool's Gold on avoinna vielä kaksi viikkoa ke-pe 15-20 ja la-su 11-17 eli ehtii hyvin vierailemaan!


There was an article about the exhibition on Uusi Lahti magazine. Fool's Gold is open until the 21st of June so there's still plenty of time to visit! Gallery is open on Wed-Fri from 3 pm to 8 pm and Sat-Sun from 11 am to 5 pm.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fool's Gold on ESS

Torstain Etelä-Suomen Sanomissa oli pieni juttu näyttelystäni.


There was a small article about my exhibition on Thursday's Etelä-Suomen Sanomat magazine.


Fool's Gold is now open!

Ensimmäinen yksityisnäyttelyni Fool's Gold on esillä lahtelaisessa Galleria Oyoy:ssa 3.7.-21.7.2013.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

Galleria Oyoy | Päijänteenkatu 3, Lahti | ke-pe 15-20, la-su 11-17

Näyttelyn Facebook-tapahtuman löydät täältä.


My first solo exhibition Fool's Gold is now open at Galleria Oyoy here in my home town Lahti! Welcome!

Galleria Oyoy | Päijänteenkatu 3, Lahti | Wed-Frid 3 pm to 8 pm, Sat-Sun 11 am to 5 pm.

You'll find Fool's Gold's Facebook event here.


Monday, March 25, 2013


Photo © Salla Poutiainen

Photo © Salla Poutiainen

I just love 90's wrapping papers... They are awesome and tacky at the same time.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monty Python's Silly Job Interview

Graham Chapman is so adorable in this. He looks like frightened little bird.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

From the Archives III

Photo © Johanna Lemettinen

Photo © Johanna Lemettinen

I found these photos that Johanna took around 2011. I really like them, don't know why I never got around posting these then.


Friday, March 1, 2013

From the Archives II

Photo © Salla Poutiainen

Pilfering the old hard drive produced more forgotten photos dating few years back. The necklace is from an uncompleted collection of unisex jewelry.


Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Vintage Precious: Lou Deeley's Mitre

My Vintage Precious is a serie where I ask people working on the creative field to share their most beloved second hand possessions and reveal the stories behind them.

Photo © Laura J Powell

"My vintage precious is an antique baroque-style Bishops Mitre that I got on loan from the Welsh National Opera costume archive for a photography project. While sifting through the Opera’s archival warehouse for props, I found the Mitre lying in the bottom of a Tupperware box, where it appeared to have been untounched for many years. It immediately grabbed me, with its mix of the shabby and decadent, the Mitre might easily have been lifted straight out of an eighteenth century Gothic Romance novel. The ornate embroidery, made to imitate the classical ecclesiastical “cloth of gold” is in parts worn away and some of the jewels are missing or hanging off, but I feel this only adds to the beauty of the piece. I am unsure of the precise age of the Mitre; however, I would guess that it was made circa 1910-20 as it has an almost art nouveau vibe. I have used the Mitre for several of my own shoots, including a shoot in which I collaborated with House of Po. However, most recently I modelled the hat for a set of images taken by the talented photographer Laura J Powell. You can view the images on her blog here."

Big thanks to Lou for sharing her story!

Lou Deeley is an aspiring photographer residing in Cardiff, Great Britain.

You can get to know her amazing photography here.
Follow Lou on Tumblr here.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In the Pines

Photo © Salla Poutiainen

Photo © Salla Poutiainen

Photo © Salla Poutiainen

I went out to took some photos for the shop. The spring is finally gradually getting here and the light was so very beautiful.

The suede shirt is on sale here.
