Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tikau Share's Design Helps -auction

Po is very happy to take part in Tikau Share's Design Helps - auction with Iku-necklace. The auction is held Friday 27.05. 2011 at Astoria-banquet in Helsinki. Timo Lassy Band and Reino Nordin will be performing at the happening.

More information about the auction: http://tikaushare.org/

x  Salla


Po on mukana Tikau Share ry:n järjestämässä Design Helps -huutokaupassa. Huutokaupan tavoitteena on auttaa köyhää kastittomien kylää Intian Orissassa. Astoria-salissa 27.5. järjestettävässä tapahtumassa esiintyy Timo Lassy Band ja Reino Nordin. Lisätietoja tapahtumasta ja huutokaupattavista tuotteista löytyy osoitteesta http://tikaushare.org

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Website open!

After months of hard work my website is finally open! I want to thank dearly everyone who chipped in and helped me in any way. Whether it was by donating materials, helping with the site or just giving me hug when I really needed one. Honestly, thank you. I couldn't have done all this on my own.

I'll be posting more stuff about my collections and upcoming Etsy shop soon. Remember to tune in!